We had to locate a place where we can grab a light breakfast because we had to meet 天野さん for lunch lol. 久しぶりですね~
Most of the Segafredo cafes I've been to are boutique-sized. This is a great spot to sit and chat or to read / work alone. I've noticed many locals come here to use the wifi network to do their own work / study etc. Yes, there's free wifi to connect to!
I'd recommend the Morning Set menu, particularly the panini set:
It doesn't look as appealing in photos but It's actually delish!! It is toasted and the cheese inside (if any) is all melteddd D: I'm hungry just thinking about it!
I'd recommend these two items on the Panini Morning Set Menu:
(Note that I might be biased because avocados are my faveee!)
Above was my snap from that day.. I realized I tagged the wrong location! haha
Here's jam & toast that we ordered too:
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